Leo’s Climb
2 mins read

Leo’s Climb

In a lively village, there lived a young boy named Leo who loved to climb. He climbed trees, rocks, and tall bamboo poles. The villagers admired his skill, but Leo always wanted to climb higher.


One day, while Leo was climbing a tall bamboo pole, an old sage named Master Wu approached him. “Hello, Leo,” Master Wu said. “I see you love climbing.”


Leo slid down the pole and greeted the sage. “Yes, Master Wu. But even when I reach the top, I feel like I can do more.”


Master Wu smiled. “This reminds me of the saying 百尺竿头  (Bǎi Chǐ Gān Tóu). It means ‘at the top of a hundred-foot pole.’ It teaches us that even when we achieve something great, we can always improve and grow.”


Leo listened carefully as Master Wu continued. “There was once a great acrobat named Jin. He could balance on the tallest poles and perform amazing tricks. One day, after reaching the top of a hundred-foot pole, he realized he could still get better and help others. So, he taught young acrobats, helping them reach their potential. He understood that even at the top, there is always more to learn and share.”



Leo’s eyes lit up. “I understand now. I will keep climbing and improving, and I will help others too.”


Master Wu nodded. “Remember, Leo, the journey never ends. There is always more to achieve and more to give.”


From that day on, Leo continued to climb and started teaching other children how to climb safely. He became known not only for his climbing but also for his kindness and generosity.


The village thrived with a spirit of continuous improvement and support, inspired by the wisdom of 百尺竿头 (Bǎi Chǐ Gān Tóu). Leo learned that true joy comes from growing together with others.


Idiom Used:

百尺竿头 (Bǎi Chǐ Gān Tóu)

Meaning: Achieving a significant level of success or reaching a high point, but also recognizing that there is still room for improvement and growth. It encourages continuous striving for progress, even after reaching what seems like the pinnacle. 比喻到了极高的境地,仍需继续努力,争取更高的进步。


Chinese idioms and proverbs are an integral part of Chinese culture. These concise and often metaphorical expressions carry deep meanings and timeless wisdom. By exploring these idioms and proverbs, children can gain valuable life lessons, develop an appreciation for different cultures, and enhance their language skills in a fun and engaging way.

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