The Forbidden Number: A Story of the Chen Family
4 mins read

The Forbidden Number: A Story of the Chen Family

The Chen family had just moved into their new home, a quaint little house at Number 4 Willow Street. Grandmother Chen, with her old-fashioned beliefs, frowned at the number. “Four is unlucky,” she muttered, her voice tinged with worry. “It sounds like the word for death in Chinese.”



Father Chen, a modern man with little patience for superstitions, laughed it off. “Mother, it’s just a number! Let’s focus on making this place our home.”


The children—Alison, the curious 11-year-old called Ally by her family, and the mischievous 8-year-old twins, Alexander and Ashton, known as Alex and Ash, were excited. They raced through the house, exploring every nook and cranny. As the day went on, they helped unpack and settle into their new rooms.


That evening, as the family gathered for dinner, Grandmother Chen couldn’t shake her unease. “We must be careful,” she said, her eyes darting around as if expecting something to happen. The family dismissed her concerns, enjoying their meal and the stories Grandfather Chen told about their ancestors.


The first sign of trouble came the next morning. Ally woke up with a start, her heart racing. She had dreamt of falling, a feeling so real it made her shiver. “It’s just a dream,” she told herself, but a lingering sense of dread followed her.



Downstairs, the twins were up to their usual antics. Alex had found an old mirror in the attic and was trying to scare Ash by making faces in it. But when he accidentally dropped the mirror, it shattered into countless pieces. “Seven years of bad luck!” Grandmother Chen exclaimed, wringing her hands.



Father Chen sighed. “It’s just an old mirror, Mother. Let’s clean it up.”


But the children were curious. Ally, their 11-year-old sister, asked, “Grandmother, how can we stop the bad luck?”


Grandmother Chen sighed. “We can perform some traditional rituals, but it won’t be easy. We need a few items: red paper, salt, a candle, and a piece of jade.”


Determined to fix the problem, Ally, Alex, and Ash set out to gather the items from around the house. As they collected the items, Grandmother Chen explained their significance. “Red paper means good fortune. Salt is for purification. The candle will light our way, and jade brings protection and luck.”


With everything ready, the family gathered in the living room that evening. Grandmother Chen placed the broken mirror pieces on a table and started the ritual. “First, we sweep the shards together with the red paper,” she said. The children watched as she carefully swept the pieces into the center of the paper.


“Next, we sprinkle salt over the shards to purify them,” Grandmother Chen continued. Alex and Ash eagerly helped, scattering salt over the broken mirror.


Finally, Grandmother Chen lit the candle and held it over the mirror. “We must chant these words to stop the bad luck,” she said, reciting an ancient chant. The family joined in, their voices blending together.



As the ritual ended, Grandmother Chen placed the jade piece in the center of the mirror shards. “This will protect us from any remaining bad luck,” she said with a smile. The children felt relieved. 


Over the next few days, nothing unusual happened and the family felt more at ease.


One evening, as they sat together for dinner, Ally looked at Grandmother Chen. “Thank you for teaching us about the rituals and the meaning of mirrors,” she said. “We learned a lot about our culture.”


Grandmother Chen smiled warmly. “It is important to remember our heritage and the wisdom of our ancestors.”


The Chen family continued to live happily in their home, filled with warmth and respect for their traditions. Even though they might not fully believe in superstitions, they found comfort in the rituals and the sense of peace they brought to their lives. 


Ally no longer had nightmares and the twins found joy in exploring their new home without fear. The house at Number 4 Willow Street felt like a home again, filled with laughter and love.

Are you fascinated by the mysterious world of superstitions and the rich cultural heritage that shapes them? Continue reading our series on Superstitions and embark on an unforgettable journey through the fascinating realm of ancient beliefs and modern-day wonders.

Click HERE for more adventures with the Chen family!


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